Initiatives carried out with the participation of different members of the Network:

8th Health Hackathon. Co-creation marathon for the development of digital solutions to improve healthcare and health communication. The Spanish Health Literacy Network participated as a member of the Jury and the Mentoring team of the interdisciplinary teams that worked on the co-creation. Madrid, 13/12/2023.

Global Perspectives in Digital Health Literacy. The Digital Health Hub of RMIT University in its Europe Hub, the BdLab research group of the UOC eHealth Center and the Spanish Health Literacy Network co-organised the seminar. The seminar was a component of the IDEAHL – Improving Digital Empowerment for Active Healthy Living project, gave experts from various fields (clinicians, researchers, health managers) to discuss and analyse the state of digital health literacy in Australia and several European countries. Barcelona, 30/10/2023

HELPE Workshop. Multiplier Event related to theEuropean projectHELPE (Health Literacy in Physiotherapy Education) organised by the Blanquerna-URL Health Sciences Faculty team. . The Spanish Health Literacy Network led different masterclasses and applied workshops. The topic of the Workshop was “Strengthening Health Literacy competencies in physiotherapists: promoting more effective and equitable health care.” Barcelona, 16/06/2023

Ist National Conference on Health Literacy Training and discussion conference on health literacy for healthcare professionals, local and social organisations. The speakers of the different sessions were members of the Spanish Network. The Conference was organised by the Murcia Regional Ministry of Health through the Foundation for health training and research in the Region of Murcia, and held at the University of Murcia premisses. Murcia, 16/04/2023.
Enlace al programa. Enlace nota de prensa.

Technical session. [How to improve communication between health professionals and patients][Cómo mejorar la comunicación entre el profesional de la salud y el paciente]. Sesión técnica de formación continuada organizada por el Consorci de Salut i Social de Catalunya. From the point of view of health literacy, a current framework and different initiatives carried out in hospital settings are presented with the aim of stimulating reflection for the improvement of quality of care. Barcelona, 19/01/2023. Link to the video of the session.

Health conversations. Updating cycle for health education, with a particular focus on knowledge, techniques, tools and resources for strengthening communication between patients and health professionals, with two editions carried out in Vigo and Girona (2019) and San Sebastián (2020). Activity recognized as being of interest to health (Government of Catalonia, October 2019 9002E/242/2019).

MOOC: Health literacy. Approaches to caring for others and for ourselves. Did you know that many people have problems understanding health-related information? That they don’t have tools for finding quality information on the internet? hat they don’t know where to get help from or who to ask when they have a medical problem? That they don’t know how to take care of their health and that of their family?

Health literacy among university students. This is an opportunity, offered jointly by the University of Cádiz, the University of Girona, the University of Murcia and the UOC, for students to carry out their final bachelor’s or master’s degree project on the level of health and e-health literacy among university students and its relationship with socio-demographic variables and healthy lifestyles.